Migrant Childcare: Transferring the Functions of the Nuclear Family to Extended Families in Sampang Madura


Madura is a unique, multicultural area comprised of of 4 districts namely Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep. With a significant amount of poverty in the Madura region, it is not surprising that so many Madurese people have become migrant workers, both raising their social status and providing additional income for their families. In Sampang, which is the location of this study, there are a lot of migrant workers who travel to other countries to make a decent living. The number is not certain in real terms, because there are many among the Sampang community who become illegal migrants. Being a migrant has a significant impact on childcare as while the financial needs of the children are met, their familial life is often less satisfactory as they are left to the care of elderly grandparents or members of the extended family. The lack of hands on parental involvement has contributed to a rise in juvenile delinquency among TKI / TKW children. Using qualitative research, and focusing on Sampang Madura as the largest contributor to the number of migrants throughout Madura, this study aims to determine the transition of nuclear family functions in migrant families and determine the impact arising from this transfer, as well as adaptations by migrant families to minimize the impact of nuclear family function transfer. The importance of further research to study the adaptation strategies of migrant families in managing children, given the increasing number of TKI / TKW who have children

Keywords: Migrant Childcare, Sampang, juvenile delinquency

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