Maternal Health-Care Access and Utilization in Sidoluhur, Lawang


The geographical conditions influence infrastructure development, such as public health services. The utilization of facilities depends on the socio-economic characteristic of the community itself. Accessing and utilizing health services would maternal mortality. This study aims to describe the maternal health behavior and to assess the correlation between access and utilization with regards to socio-economics maternal characteristics. This research used a quantitative method and samples 75 women of childbearing age. This study uses cross-sectional primary data, and analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics nonparametric. Correlation analysis was performed using the Kendal Tau correlation to determine the relationship of independent variables to the dependent variable. The influence of independent variables on dependent variables measure using logistic regression. The results of this study were 31% of respondents still carrying out traditional births through an attendant called ”dukun”. Public health service availability is sufficient, although not everyone can access easily. While in traditional services, traditional birth attendants come to patients so they preferred this method because it’s effortless. Access to health services and access to information simultaneously give a 72.2% impact towards maternal behavior of ante-natal care.

Keywords: socio-economics characteristic, maternal healthcare utilization, maternal delivery

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