The Role of Male Partners on Unintended Pregnancy among Teenagers


At present, 15-19 year olds account for 8.3% of the total population aged in Indonesia. As many as 58.8% of these adolescents aged 15-19 years have experienced pregnancy, while another 25.2% are expecting pregnancy. The number of unwanted pregnancies in Indonesia reached 34.1% in 2018. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of male partners (or husbands) in caring for the children of unwanted pregnancies amongst adolescents. This research uses a qualitative method with the Rapid Assessment Procedure (RAP) design study. Data was collected from in-depth interviews, observation, and triangulation. This research found that the informant’s knowledge about reproduction does not have as much influence as the role of male partners as well as support. The majority of the married informant’s partners are excited when the pregnancy revealed, while if the pregnancy is outside marriage, most male partners are willing to marry the informants as a form of taking responsibility.

Keywords: early marriage, gender equality, maternal health, unwanted pregnancy

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