Why Do Vocational High School Girls Drop Out? Unraveling the Correlation between Business Development in Rural Areas and Adolescents’ School Interest in the Blitar Regency, East Java


This paper explores the reasons for students to consider dropping out of school and choosing to work. It also assesses the benefits of marketing study programes with regards to the store clerk profession. This study employs qualitative design using phenomenology approach. The key subjects of this research were four vocational high school students in Blitar who had opted to leave school early. Data was extracted and explored using in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Triangulation of sources and methods was carried out to obtain accurate information, the analysis was carried out with the simultaneous stages of Approach, Excavation, Deepening, Matching, Interpretation and Presentation (6P). The results of this study demonstrate that the main reasons contributing to leaving school early are family background, environment, society, and the student’s experience during school. In addition, the vocational marketing study program gives students the requisite experience and skill sets to work as store clerks, further facilitating their decision to leave school early and start their professional careers.

Keywords: vocational high school students drop out, marketing expertise competence, rural area business development

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