The Effect of Work Environment on Work Engagement with Self Efficacy As Moderator Variable at Hotel Pelangi Malang Employees


The purpose of this study is to (1) determine the conditions of work environment, work engagement, and self-efficacy at Hotel Pelangi Malang employees, (2) find out whether the work environment has a significant effect on work engagement amongst Hotel Pelangi Malang employees, and (3) find out whether self-efficacy can serve as the moderator variable that displays the most significant influence on work engagement of Hotel Pelangi Malang employees. This study evaluated 64 employees of Hotel Pelangi Malang with a fixed and contract status. Using proportional sampling, and a sample of 55 respondents was obtained. Data was collected by survey, interview, and documentation. The results of this study are (1) the conditions of work environment, work engagement, and self efficacy of the Hotel Pelangi Malang employees fall in the good/high category, (2) the work environment has a significant effect on work engagement, and (3) self efficacy is not a significant moderator variable on the work engagement of Hotel Pelangi Malang employees. This study ascribes this to differences in self-efficacy conditions, respondent’s characteristics, job characteristics, and selection of work environment indicators with previous research.

Keywords: work environment, work engagement, self efficacy

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