The Effect of Role Ambiguity on Job Satisfaction Mediated by Employee Work Stress in Trading Business Barokah, Trenggalek East Java


The type of research being used is descriptive and quantitive research. The data is descriptive research and path analysis. The samples are taken from 53 respondents, using the simple random sampling method. These respondents are employees of Trading Business Barokah Trenggalek. The result of the Path analysis tests show that there is a significant negative direct relationship between ambiguity about the job role and employee satisfaction. Moreover, there is a significant positive relationship between ambiguity nd employee job stress. Job stress impacts negatively on employee job satisfaction. Based on the given result, the researcher argues that maintaining communication about good work between employees and supervisors will avoid misunderstanding and reduce work stress at the trading business Barokah Trenggalek.

Keywords: Role Ambiguity, Job Stress, Job Satisfaction

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