Consumer Protection Perception of Halal Food Products in Indonesia


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to uncover the conditions, dilemmas, and efforts to improve the customer perception of halal food products in Indonesia. The study uses secondary data with a conceptual approach with a study of social theory and facts in Indonesia. The results of the study show that the role of employers, government and consumer protection institutions still needs to be improved to promote consumer rights and obligations regarding halal products. Ongoing socialization efforts to bring intensive awareness are still needed to increase trust in halal food products. The limitations of existing empirical data regarding the behavior of consumers using halal products are the main things that further research is still needed. Consumer awareness of halal products still needs to be encouraged so that consumers are aware of their rights and obligations and are protected from producers who are misconducted. This can be done through mass media massively campaint. Synchronization between related institutions is the key to winning the consumer support, while still opening opportunities for entrepreneurs to honestly provide product information. Government policy in favor of protecting consumers with law enforcement is a picture given in this paper to foster more comprehensive literature in the field of consumer protection of halal products.

Keywords: Halal food product, Consumers protection, government policy

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