Revitalization in Efforts to Improve Cooperative Capacity as a Community Economic Pillar Using the Integration of Human Resources Management Information and Adroid Technology (COOPLite)


The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that affect the low quality of cooperative human resources in Indonesia, and define new innovations for improving the quality of cooperative-based HR management collaboration and technology. Increasing the quantity of cases of cooperatives in Indonesia is often caused by poor quality management. The creation of the COOPLite application is one of the breakthroughs to minimize that ineffectiveness. By collaborating with the HR integration system IHRMS (with Android technology), it is expected that the HR managerial process can be carried out easily, effectively, and efficiently. The COOPLite application can make a significant contribution to improving the system and transparency of cooperative information in Indonesia.

Keywords: human resources, COOPLite application

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