Teaching Economics Business on the Disruptive Era


The characteristics of learning in the 21 century are focused on critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. This discusses the process of learning activities, students not only receive material from the teacher or instructor but how to ask training participants to get a real learning experience. In this era, educational institutions get opportunities and challenges related to the results produced. The main demand for educators is how to gather students to be able to live anytime, anywhere in any situation. Provision given to beginners is not only limited to knowledge but also how these beginners can find new knowledge and use that is applied. This research was conducted to find out which students can learn by adjusting to learning in a disruptive era. The method of this research is using Project Base Learning. Business activities in economics are lecture material that is quite important for purposes. This is related to provisions to be discussed in the entrepreneurial sector. This activity is carried out by project assessment, in which the results of this study indicate that the combination of learning activities in the classroom with learning in the field for experts also uses technology that is needed.

Keywords: disruptive era, economics business, student competencies, project assessment

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