Homo Informaticus in the Modern Information and Cultural Space: Challenges, Opportunities and Value Orientations


The author attempts to reveal the specifics of the modern information and cultural space as a phenomenon of being an individual and society – society ”fleeing”, ”elusive picture of the world”, ”fluid modernity”. Given the predictions of futurists with respect to culture ”new features”, its trends, and the role of human ”information” - the Posthuman in the digital civilization. Noting the complexity of understanding the actual culture (polyparadigmality of research positions, transit methodology, etc.), the author focuses on the importance of finding effective mechanisms of harmonization of cultural content and technological ”breakthroughs”, which, despite the axiological risks of cultural mutation and substitution of human artificial intelligence, have the potential for a positive impact on the world order through the institutions of science, education, culture, forming cultural” and human capital.

Keywords: digital culture, information, identity, digital nomads

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