A Knowledge Level Analysis of Designated Male Receptor: A Basis of Making Public Service Ads for Family Planning Program


In order to support the establishment of a prosperous Indonesian society, the Government of Indonesia in its Long Term Development Plan begins to implement human quality improvement programs. One of them is Family Planning program. Currently, family planning program has been widely used, especially in cities with high population density such as Surabaya. But what is commonly known to the public is the program for female, while the program for male has little interest. To balance the male and female program receptors, the Surabaya city government will launch a series of public service ads. To support the effectiveness of these advertisements, the knowledge level of the male receptor candidate is studied. The results show that the knowledge level of male receptors is still moderate. Generally, they do not understand about the vasectomy procedure such as the procedure without a knife, its benefit such as effectiveness in removing sperm, and its side effects such as the healing time. Therefore these things should be considered when designing ads.

Keywords: knowledge level; family planning program for male; public service ads

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