The Influence of the Application of Marketing Mix on the Purchase Decision of Prospective Consumers of Grand Cempaka Housing


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of simultaneous and partial marketing mix on the purchase decision of prospective consumers of Grand Cempaka Housing.This research uses quantitative methods, and is a survey research from the types of explanatory research whose focus is placed on relational research: studying the relationship of variables. The object of research is the residents of Pasuruan City and the sample in this study is the Prospective Consumer of Grand Cempaka Housing. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis methods.The results of the analysis show that Products, Prices, Places and Promotions simultaneously have a significant effect on the Decision of Purchasing Prospective Consumers of Grand Cempaka Housing. This shows that the marketing mix is one of the marketing strategies that should be considered so that the implementation of the marketing strategy can run successfully because the elements in the marketing mix influence each other. Variables in the marketing mix which include Products, Prices, Places and Promotions partially have a significant effect on the Decision of Purchasing Prospective Consumers of Grand Cempaka Housing.

Keywords: marketing mix; purchase decision; property; housing

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