On the Problems of Teaching Russian As a Foreign Language to the Speakers of a Cognate Language (Polish)


This paper is devoted to the problem of learning Russian by native speakers of the Polish language. The presented research is made in the context of the language-oriented approach and includes linguistic experiment, comparative analysis of Russian and Polish languages and identification of problem areas causing interference errors. A system of rules and exercises for Polish learners of Russian is being proposed as a recommended practice for excluding interference errors. The language-oriented approach used in this report is based, first, on provisions that take into account the already existing initial language system of learners, second, on a comparative analysis of languages, and third, on an analysis of learners’ mistakes. Mastering a foreign language takes place in close interaction with language systems in the minds of students. In the situation of interaction between two contacting languages, interference is likely to occur. Identification of interference errors in the analysis of speech of foreign languages allows us to identify problem areas in the studied language and correct the language skill in the course of learning. Typical mistakes are material for creating the necessary strategy of teaching the Russian language for native speakers of a certain language.

Keywords: interference, Polish language, Russian language, learning Russian as a foreign language, language-oriented approach

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