Mode Choice Vs Passenger Frequency on Trans Semarang’S Bus Rapid Transit


This paper aimed to testing whether from-origin and to-destination mean of transportationchoiceareaffectednumberofpassengerfrequencyonTransSemarang’s Bus. The mean of transportation including walk, hitch, motorbike taxi, para-transit, bus, and private vehicles. Researcher also measured the availability of transportation mean alternative effect for the same dependent variable. Data were collected using Likert based questionnaire. Surveys were conducted on 6 Trans Semarang Route. Data validation based on bar-plot graphical validation and non-parametric test (Kruskal Wallis test and Pearson’s Chi-squared test). Validation result confirm that there are no evidence that variability in from-origin and to-destination mode choice affected passenger frequency. Strong statistical evidence accept null-hypothesis.



Keywords: passengers, frequency, mode choice, significance.

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