Bisexual Man Experiences Regarding Intimate Sexual Relationship Injayapura City2013


Bisexuals are individuals who Involved and enjoyed sexual activities with same sex and different sex. Bisexual men having intercourse by oral, anal and vaginal. According to the data from the Center for Reproductive Health in Jayapura in 2013, there was one case cervicitis on bisexual men which is known from 95 cases of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI). This research study aimed to describe bisexual men's sexual experiences. A qualitative design method was used with phenomenology approach; informants Involved in this research were 5 people. The selections of informants were using snowball sampling method. Researchers used members to check and thick description to the invalidity of the data. Fifth informants have a sense of attraction to opposite sex couples while they were in junior and high school. Informants interested in the same sex when in junior high school, and college. In addition, one of the informants attracted to the same sex when he became adult and had a work. Four informants did not consistently use condoms. There are 10 to 30 of same-sex couples that performed sex relation for the first time. There were about 10 people who did not get married and have sexual partners of the opposite sex until today based on the informant. The four informants were not consistently used condoms and there was one informant who did not use condom

Keywords: Male, Bisexual, experience

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