The Effect of Achievements of Bureaucracy Reformation to Performance Evaluation: Empirical Study from Indonesia’s Local Government on the Indicator Basis for Period 2010–2014


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of achievements of bureaucracy reformation to performance evaluation. Main contribution of this research is a new approach to measure local government performance evaluation. This study uses data from Indonesia’s internal affair ministry, and from statistical bureau and other valid sources of data. Processing of data collected by regression model consists of simple and multivariate. This Research finding will be the Effect of achievements of bureaucracy reformation to performance evaluation: Empirical Study from Indonesia’s Local Government on the indicator basis for period 2010–2014. The implication of this research will give an input to government whether it has a benefit to produce the indicator basis of achievement of reformation of bureaucracy.



Keywords: performance evaluation, reformation of bureaucracy, local government, indicator basis

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