The Performance Analysis of Inpatient Installation at Tria Dipa Hospital with Balanced Scorecard, 2013–2015


Tria Dipa hospital as a public organization has a duty and responsibility to provide health services, with a vision to carry the hospital forward. To develop better services, continuous business process improvement is needed, including innovation and performance evaluation strategies. One method that can be used in the evaluation performance of the company is the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Balanced Scorecard provides a comprehensive, balanced and scalable framework for the evaluation of performance. In order to achieve competitive advantage in a competition condition. The purpose of this research was to assess the performance and condition of the company by using the 4 (four) core perspectives in the Balance Scorecard, consisting of (1) the financial perspective, (2) the customer’s perspective, (3) internal business process perspective, and (4) learning and growth perspective. The result showed that the initial 3 core perspectives in the performance of inpatient installation unit at Tria Dipa hospital the is over all good enough. However, the learning and growth perspective showed employee in unsatisfied and employee retention.



Keywords: balanced scorecard, financial, customer, internal businesses and learning and growth perspective

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