The Role of Insurance for Protection against the Risk of Fishing Accidents


This research was aimed at exploring how the fishermen in Indonesia were protected considering fishermen profession is a profession that is very risky and susceptible to accidents and disasters and can result in injuries and even death. The data of this study was obtained from PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia in Cooperation Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia that launched the fisherman insurance in 2016. The data is analyzed using descriptive statistics and the literature study toward some related previous research. The fisherman insurance has been spread to all cities/regencies around Indonesia. The result founded that East Java has the highest number of fishermen who proposed for fisherman insurance. This kind of insurance is proved to be useful to help fishermen to claim when something bad happens. The highest number of events that caused claim is most fishermen were died naturally.



Keywords: component, formatting, style; styling, insert

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