Effectiveness of the Utilization of the Learning Media in Preventing Drug Abuse for Teachers in Grade 4–6 of Elementary School


The purpose of this study is to see the use of web-based learning media for grade 4–6 teachers of primary schools. This study is a continuation of the assessment on the utilization of the instructional media conducted by parents and children aged 9–13 years old. The research was done using quantitative method. The respondents of this study consisted of 20 teachers at SDN Srengseng Sawah 15 Pagi. The results of this study show that the effectiveness of media ranges as and based on the following: a clear material description of 65%; the clarity of material adequacy is quite clear at 75%; suitability of layout of 80%; the compatibility of color between background and content by 80%; graphic and background grace of 85%; ease, capacity and suitability, balance and attractiveness to the harmony of color composition by 85%; ease of using the web by 85%; suitability of web access loading capacity of 70%; and the ease with which there are learning instructions by 80%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the assessment of web-based learning media of drug abuse prevention for grade 4–6 elementary school teachers is effective between 65% and 85%.



Keywords: learning media, prevention of drug abuse, teachers assessment, children grade 4–6, elementary school

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