Optimizing the Potential Tourist Attraction Culture in the Puppet Museum Jakarta


Attraction of cultural tourism in Indonesia is quite diverse. One of them is the existence of the Puppet Museum Jakarta (PMJ). The PMJ has important tasks related to the preservation and development of Indonesian cultural puppets, especially when the culture of Indonesian puppets were defined as a heritage to the world by UNESCO on November 7, 2003. The PMJ also has the potential to be developed as a cultural tourist attraction. However, the various programs/collections in PMJ are not optimum enough to its potential as cultural site. This study aims to assess the optimization potential of cultural attractions of PMJ. The study uses a method of qualitative research approach with descriptive analysis. Stages in this study are the observation, description and interpretation through approach to the concepts of cultural tourism and concepts of the museum (museology). The results showed that PMJ has the potential and advantages including attractiveness, accessibility, amenities, society and the environment—institutional, marketing. The potential and advantages are both interlinked to one another, making PMJ useful to the society and at the same time a popular cultural destination for tourists.



Keywords: tourism, cultural tourism, puppet museum

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