Analysis of Investment and Export of Economic Growth Using Neural Network Computing ANFIS


This research is an application to realize a system that is capable of providing data and information between levels of economic growth and Indonesian export between 2010 and 2015. Data from the system that was created dug deeper to find out the prediction of drug distribution in the future. The system to be built is the system that is able to predict the level of export needs that will happen in time (month/year) that you want based on the data of the time (month/year) using ANFIS system. The ANFIS system will search the best function to predict the export needs in the year 2010. Furthermore, the output is used as the data in 2010. The data is output as the prediction will be matched with actual data, whether the resulting function of ANFIS system has a small error. If so, then the function obtained is optimal.


Keywords: time series prediction, neural network, ANFIS

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[10] Muhammad Yunus Anis is a lecturer in Arabic Translation Department at Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. In 2012, he was awarded a master’s degree (Master of Arts) in Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (Middle East Studies) by the Graduate School at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia. He has presented papers at the Udayana University, UPI Bandung, Universitas Indonesia Depok, and Canal Suez University Egypt and other institutions. He is currently researching on indigenous language protection, Islamic Sufism, Semitic Language, Arabic Linguistics and Translation. As part of national research orientation, he is active on Research Group (RG) of Arabic Translation at Sebelas Maret University. Scopus ID: 57193251472. Email: