The Implementation of Service Learning Strategy as a Means to Produce Competitive Graduates through Vocational Programs: A Case Study in Vocational Program of Administration of Finance and Banking Study Program at Universitas Indonesia


This article discusses about the implementation of service learning strategy as a means to produce graduates from vocational program, in specific from the Administration of Finance and Banking Study Program, Universitas Indonesia, who are ready to compete within labor markets. The aim of this study is to explain the process and stages of the implementation of service learning strategy on the learning activities at the study program. The data were derived from primary and secondary sources. Data and information from the primary sources were collected using interviews and observations. Interviews were conducted of the lecturers of the courses/subjects involved in the implementation of service learning method; and also of the students involved in the activities of learning that used learning service strategy. The collected data were analyzed through content analysis method. Results of the study describes three stages in the implementation of service learning, that is, the preparation stage (need assessment and planning), the implementation stage, and the evaluation or reflection phase. The core of service learning is the service activities that are based on the curriculum related to the society, by integrating and collaborating learning activities in the classroom with the activities of serving the community. By the implementation of this strategy, the graduates of Vocational Education Programs of Universitas Indonesia have practical experience of work skills, positive attitude and personal character, as well as practical knowledge.



Keywords: curriculum, service learning, learning activities, work skills

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