Synergy of Cultural Preservation and Tourism: Saung Angklung Udjo as One of the Iconic Tourism of Sundanese Culture


The globalization of culture presents new challenges for society to be more creative in managing local culture and tradition. The various impact of this globalization might be anticipated if the creative process continues in the community by inventing a tradition and combined with the development of cultural tourism. Through qualitative method, this study examines Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) as an example of the achievement on the creative process through the invention of tradition in preserving and developing art traditions. SAU is a form of cultural preservation through an invention of tradition that is strongly associated with the role of a creative person in responding the reality of the arts tradition through the establishment of angklung workshop. The ability of a creative person in creating invention of tradition through formalization and ritualization of educational activities, production and angklung performances could be a model for art traditions practitioners and cultural tourism industry players to stay creative in facing the challenges of economic creative era.



Keywords: cultural globalization, creativity, invention of tradition, tourism, Angklung

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[25] Documents of Visitor Data, Production and Various Activities Saung Angklung Udjo Document Profile Saung Angklung Udjo