The Effect of Financial Ratio to Human Development Index (Based on the Study in Districts and Cities of West Java)


This study aims to determine the effect of financial ratios to Human Development Index. The financial ratios used in this study are Ratio Degree of Decentralization, Regional Financial Independence Ratio and Ratio of Compatibility Expenditure. Human Development Index is used as an indicator to show the performance of local government in providing services to its people. The population in this study is all the government districts and cities in West Java. The data used is Local Government Finance Report of 2011–2014, analyzed using multiple regression. The source of data is the Ministry of Finance and Central Bureau of Statistics. The result of this study indicates that Ratio Degree of Decentralization and Ratio of Regional Financial Independence have no significant effect on Human Development Index, while Ratio of Compatibility Expenditure has a significant effect on Human Development Index. The implication of this finding will be for government to have consideration of its Human Development Index as an implication of its success of providing its services to public.



Keywords: Ratio Degree of Decentralization, Regional Financial Independence Ratio and Ratio of Compatible Expenditure, Human Development Index, Local Government Finance Report

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