The Isolation DNA Chromosome of Aeromonas Hydrophila Bacteria Isolate Local East Java


Aeromonasis Disease or the Ulcer Diseases caused by Aeromonas hydrophila often attacks fish and shrimps in ponds or aquariums. Aeromonasis shows clinical symptom of petechiae in scale and causes death. Aeromonasis can cause economic loss if not treated with medication accompanied with improved sanitation. This disease affects many freshwater fish farms in East Java. In a previous study, the authors had managed to characterize the antigenic protein derived from the OMP (outer membrane protein) Aeromonas hydrophila, therefore, it is necessary to perform sequencing protein-coding DNA. To achieve that goal, some of the explorative research laboratory methods performed are: Isolation of DNA fragments Aeromonas hydrophila through four stages, cell cultivation and harvesting of bacterial cells, cell lysis, DNA purification and concentration chromosomal DNA. The results will be used as a predictive immunogenic determinant by the method Kolaskar and Tongaonkar.



Keywords: Aeromonas hydrophila, chromosomal DNA, immunogenic determinant

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