The Learning Media Development in the Family for the Prevention of Drug Abuse in Children Aged 9–13 Years Old


The purpose of this study was to produce a web-based learning media on drug-abuse prevention for children aged 9 to13 years old that can be used by parents as one of the learning media of drug abuse prevention for children aged 9 to 13 years old. This study uses research and development (Research and Development), which includes preliminary research, planning, product design, testing early stage, revision of the main product, field trials major product revision operations, field trials operations, final revision, dissemination and implementation of the product. This research target is the parents and students of SDN Srengseng Sawah 15 a.m., aged 9 to 13 years old. The research products were reviewed by a media expert, a subject matter expert, and an instructional design expert. The results of this study indicate Development Learning Media in the Family for the Prevention of Drug abuse in children aged 9 to 13 years old has significant differences between the learning outcomes of respondents using the media and using the lecture. T-test results on koefiennya of t-test = 51.16 > t-table 1.75305 is significant. It can be concluded that web-based instructional media for drug abuse prevention in children aged 9 until 13 years old can increase and improve the knowledge of parents.



Keywords: learning media, prevention of drug abuse in the family, children aged 9 until 13 years old

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