Perception of the Students of Vocational Program, University of Indonesia: The Implementation of Sistem Informasi Prestasi Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia (SIPRESMA UI)


Sistem Informasi Prestasi Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia (SIPRESMA UI) is an information system used to manage data for non-academic achievements of students enrolled at the University of Indonesia. The output of this system is a diploma supplement. Diploma supplement is a letter describing qualifications or competence of a certificate issued in accordance with applicable regulations as well as to provide information about the achievements and awards achieved by the graduate studies. This is in accordance with the government regulation that requires college academic transcripts issued with accompanying Diploma Supplement. One of its functions is that diploma supplement can be used to assist graduates in finding a job. The purpose of this study is to determine students’ perceptions of Vocational Program, University of Indonesia against SIPRESMA UI—whether their knowledge of SIPRESMA is adequate, whether the students know the benefits that can be obtained from the diploma supplement as well as obstacles in the implementation SIPRESMA UI. The study used a descriptive quantitative method. The results of this study found that 55.03% of the students quite agreed that they ever heard of SIPRESMA UI, 68.99% of the students agreed that they knew diploma supplement is important to help them easier to get a job in accordance with the competence of graduates, and 68.42% of the students agreed that the constraints of the application SIPRESMA UI in vocational program is the lack of the awareness of students to manage personal archive.



Keywords: Vocational Program University of Indonesia, diploma supplement, SIPRESMA UI

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