Community Development Model With Community Base Forest Management Through the Setting of Management Forest Rights in Tanggamus


Nowadays the forest policy has given the opportunity to the community for taking a part in managing the forest area that gives the benefit for the community that lives near that area. This can be done by giving the access or rights to the community by placing them as the first actor for managing the forest land. This research was done using a qualitative approach with descriptive type. The research was done in three steps during three-years duration. The research used the field and laboratory research. The field research was done in forest area Register 30 in Tanggamus, meanwhile the laboratory research was done in Law and Social Politics Faculty using the appropriate medias. The result showed that the spirit of the government program named Program Community Base Forest Management (CBFM) through the schematic of community forest was done successfully but with some limitations. We suggest that the local government should give the support by guiding the community in the field for managing the area and giving them some. Also, the government should give the legislatives the political support such as financial aid and the legal rights for the community to manage the land area.



Keywords: community development, community forest management, base management forest rights

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