Identification of Some Factors that Motivated Last Vocational Student at the University of Indonesia to choose the Multinational Company (MNC) as their Internship Company Workplace (Case study of Office Administration and Secretary Student)


This study was conducted on the alumni of the Office of Administration and Secretarial students of the Vocational Program at the University of Indonesia who recently finished their internship as a last Student in Campus. The survey was conducted on all students and alumni who received an internship task in foreign companies with the amount of population 32 person and only about 24 student that participated. In some Universities, internship becomes the part of the final assignment that further transforms as a prerequisite before finishing the studies. The students are generally free to choose the institution that can be their internship workplace as long as it is relevant to their major of study, whether in a government institution/company or in a private company/institution. Some students chose their internship assignment in a government institution, while the others in a private institution. In private sectors, students can also choose between a local private company or a foreign company that is usually called a Multinational Company (MNC). There are some reasons why they chose the Multinational Company (MNC) as their internship workplace. In this research, the author will identify some factors that influence the students in choosing their internship workplaces. Especially, if there are some dominant reasons that influenced them.



Keywords: student, vocational, university, internship, multinational company

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