A Review of Vocational Education Curriculum in Accordance with Industrial Needs: Case Study


Vocational Education in the field of taxation places emphasis on technical skills in fulfilling the rights and carrying out tax obligations, in accordance with the industrial needs that requires ready-to-use manpower skilled in fulfilling various forms of taxation obligations; the vocational education curriculum in the field of taxation is continually perfected. The curriculum is structured according to the competency standards of graduates who are structured in the main competencies, supporting competencies and other competencies that support the achievement of the objectives, the implementation of the mission, and the realization of the vision of the study program. The curriculum of vocational education in various countries is structured according to industry requirement standards. This article is a descriptive analysis in which data are collected from interviews with a number of respondents consisting of graduate users (users) from Vocational Program Tax Administration Study Program of the University of Indonesia. In addition, the data were also obtained from the results of the tracer study provided through the filling of a questionnaire with a list of questions that have been determined. Secondary data were obtained from several literature studies. The result of this study is that the industrial world needs more graduates who are ready to work, who have good technical skills and also understand the tax laws and their changes well. From these results, the curriculum changes are made with the addition of hours of practice aimed at improving student’s skills—both soft skill and hard skill.



Keywords: vocational education; skills; curriculum; industrial needs

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