E-marketing Skill: An Essential Future Qualification to Compete in the Digital Era (The Effect of Social Media E-marketing to Consumers’ Shopping Behavior)


As the number of Internet users increases, the trend of online transactions also increases. E-marketing is one of the selling strategies using social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, BBM and LinkedIn. The purpose of this study was to analyze the simultaneous and partial effect of e-marketing to the shopping behavior of respondents. Data were obtained from questionnaires given to 100 student respondents of Indonesian vocational education. The analytical method used in this research is the t-test and F-test using SPSS 17. Based on the results of the study, it is found that three factors affected the shopping behavior of these respondents through their online transactions via social media, namely, accessibility, currency and interactivity. All e-marketing variables influenced the behavior of consumers. However, there are also some e-marketing variables affecting the shopping behavior of the respondents in different factors. From the cultural factor, shopping behavior is influenced by the accessibility and currency variables, while an effected variable linked to personal factors is accessibility alone. For psychological factors, the only effecting variable is interactivity. But overall e-marketing variables affected the shopping behavior of respondents. In conclusion, e-marketing is an essential future qualification needed to be able to compete in the digital era.


Keywords: consumer behavior, e-marketing, online shop, social media, shopping, qualification

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