Ulema and Santri Movement During the Indonesian Revolution of 1949-1950


This article analyzes the power of Islam as a mobilizer against the invaders and defending the NKRI during the revolution in 1949-1950. This research illustrates that the Indonesian revolution is Islamic. Because Islam in that era became the power base in Indonesia. Apart from the majority Muslim population, Islam also dared to show its actions in resisting colonialism. Promoters in the Islamic movement were played by Ulema and Santri. The form of struggle of scholars during this revolution began with the call for jihad which aimed to revive the spirit of the Santri involved in the fisabilillah war. Then it was seen in his fatwa about the prohibition of Hajj to maintain Indonesia’s security from the threat of the invaders. While the struggle of the Santri by forming Islamic movements and fronts, namely the Hisbulloh and Sabilillah lascar fronts, which then attacked the British army headquarters in Surabaya. The Santri was also involved in the battle of November 10, 1945, which was incorporated with the Gerakan Pemuda Islam Indonesia (GPII). This research uses a historical methodology that includes four steps, namely heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography.

Keywords: Ulema and Santri, Islamic Movement, Indonesian Revolution 1949-1950

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