Strengthening Religious Literacy as an Effort to Overcome the Moral Degradation of Generation Z in the Digital Era


Generation Z is a group of individuals who grew up in the digital era. Even though digital technology has provided great benefits, there are concerns about moral degradation in this generation. This article discusses efforts to strengthen religious literacy as a step to overcome moral degradation among Generation Z in the digital era. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with a library method. The results of this research illustrate how the digital era plays an important role today. The tendency of Generation Z, digital natives, to have easy access to various digital content, both positive and negative, has influenced their understanding of moral values. This generation’s exposure to information that is not always in accordance with religious values can cause negative behavioral changes. To overcome this problem, strengthening religious literacy is important in reducing the occurrence of moral degradation in Generation Z. This article also highlights the important role of schools, families, and religious leaders in supporting the strengthening of religious literacy through religious moderation, character education, and the use of digital literacy. With this effort, it is hoped that Generation Z can strengthen their understanding of religious values, strengthen their morals, and become more responsible individuals in facing the challenges of the digital era. Strengthening religious literacy is the basis for forming a generation with moral integrity amidst rapid technological change.

Keywords: moral degradation, Generation Z, strengthening religious literacy

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