Development of Web-based Online Learning Media Using Google Sites to Increase Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes on Elasticity Material


Google sites help in increasing student motivation and learning outcomes due to online learning. The research objective is to develop web-based online learning media using the Google site on elasticity material and to test its feasibility in increasing student’s motivation and learning outcomes, which is limited to the cognitive domain, starting at the level of C1 until C4. This study uses research and development methods and refers to the 4D model (define, design, develop, disseminate). The participants in the study were students of class XI IPA 2 of MAN 2 Cilegon. The instruments used include, validation sheets, observation sheets, documentation (attendance, task collection data, transcripts, etc.), questionnaire sheets, and tests. Data were analyzed using communication and processed using the scores obtained in percentages. The results showed that at the define stage, students admit they feel bored doing online learning and feel that the material provided by the teacher is difficult to understand. The media designing starts from making flowcharts, storylines, learning scenarios, compiling material, and practice questions, then combining them into online learning media based on google sites. The development stage includes material and media validation (93.5%), product trials (84.4%), and product revision. The last stage was disseminating results online learning using Google sites, which was carried out very well (92.8%), student learning motivation was high (82.4%) and student learning outcomes had increased as seen from the n-gain 0.6 medium interpretation, ttcount 20.1305, ttable 2.028 (ttcount  > ttable).

Keywords: google sites, student motivation, learning outcomes

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