Water Conflict Prevention Model in Indonesia


This study aims to formulate a model of water conflict prevention involving various groups of interest actors that spread after the era of decentralization was implemented in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach with a narrative research strategy. Three cases of water conflicts that occurred in Batu (East Java), Klaten (Central Java), and Sleman (Yogyakarta) were used as the basis for formulating a water conflict prevention model. The data in this study were collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observations, documentation, and literature research. Research informants consisted: each research location selected three informants who had been involved in water conflict cases, activists of Yogyakarta environmental forums, one of Walhi East Java, an activist of Yogyakarta Legal Aid Institute, Surabaya Legal Aid Institute. The literature search was used to collect data from books, articles, research reports, theses, dissertations, and online mass media reports. Data analysis uses cyclical models through data collection, condensation, display, verification, and conclusions. The results showed that the formulation of the model needed for water conflict prevention in Indonesia includes: the participation of affected communities in policy planning of regional heads, monitoring systems for licensing information that is transparent, credible, accountable, and easily accessible to the public, firm and consistent enforcement of laws and regulations, providing a balance of finding aspirations and water rights from all stakeholders, prioritizing the sustainability of water resources, without criminalization of environmental warriors.

Keywords: model, prevention, water, conflict, decentralization

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