Legal Aspect of Sports Contract: Analysis of Legal Instruments In Implementing E-Sports Contract


E-sports, or electronic sports, has become a global phenomenon that has experienced rapid growth in recent years. In Indonesia, e-sports has also experienced significant development. The emergence of professional players has an impact on the relationship between players and e-sports clubs as a professional relationship. This study aims to analyze the legal instruments of e-sports contracts in Indonesia. As a relatively new sport in Indonesia, it is important to know what legal instruments govern the contractual aspects of e-sports. This study uses a qualitative approach by conducting a literature review, interviewing e-sports players, and analyzing secondary data. The results of the study show that e-sports in Indonesia have experienced rapid growth, with an increasing number of tournaments and competitions being held locally and internationally.Thus, the player’s relationship with the club is bound by a professional contract, which in this case is based on the legal instrument of the Labor Law No. 13 of 2003 which regulates general provisions in work agreements. Indonesian Esports Executive Board Regulations Article 5 Paragraph 1 PPBESI 34/2021 regulates the rights obtained by players in contracts and articles 1320 and 1338 of the Civil Code as the fundamental basis for making contracts for both professional and amateur players.

Keywords: E-sports, contract, sports

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