The Effectiveness of Population Administration Online Services Via Telegram


This study aims to determine the effectiveness (achievement of goals, integration, adaptation) of Online Population Administration Services Via Telegram at the Wajo Regency Population and Civil Registration Service. This type of research uses qualitative research. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data validation technique. The data analysis technique used consists of condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the Effectiveness of Online Population Administration Services Via Telegram is seen from the concept of achieving the goal, namely to encourage the community to provide knowledge of technological developments in population administration services and to make it easier for people to get services without having to face the employees . Viewed from integration, the procedure for Online Population Administration Services via Telegram is very easy to obtain both via the web and at the village/kelurahan village office so it is said to be effective. Meanwhile, from the perspective of adaptation in general, since its emergence, it has been difficult to adapt and adapt to the conditions of society, especially for people who are not technologically literate and do not have Android, some people do not understand technology and cannot apply Android, so even at this point, adaptation is said to be ineffective. The conclusion of this study is that the objectives of this policy have not been achieved.

Keywords: effectiveness, goal achievement, integration, adaptation, online services

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