Establishing a Sustainable Shariah-Compliant Hospital in Malaysia: Exploring the Pertinent Concept


Malaysia has been a member of the Organization of Islamic Countries since 1969, and Islam is recognized as the federal religion in the country. The growing awareness of practicing Islam as a way of life among Muslims worldwide has significantly impacted the concept of hospitality services in the healthcare industry and tourism in Malaysia. As a result, there is an emergence of Shariah-compliant hospitals in the country to cater to the demand of Muslim consumers. However, the establishment of these hospitals lacks proper guidelines, leading to the need for developing standardized and regulated Islamic medical ethics and Shariah-compliant hospitals. This is crucial to ensure proper adherence to Islamic principles, especially in addressing concerns of the Muslim public and religious scholars regarding justified Islamic practices in medical treatment. To address this need, this study aimed to explore the elements or standards required in establishing Shariah-compliant hospitals (SCH). The study adopted a focus group discussion approach with 9 representatives selected through purposive sampling. Participants included hospital administrators, doctors, nurses, policymakers, academics, and representatives from non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Thematic analysis of the discussions revealed eight critical elements to consider when planning a sustainable Shariah-compliant hospital. These elements include ibadah-friendly infrastructure, Islamic medical ethics, Shariah compliance prescription, spiritual care support, Islamic medical service competencies, a conducive Islamic environment, affordability and accessibility, and an Islamic work culture. These findings serve as a foundation for future research aimed at developing a comprehensive framework for the establishment of standards for Shariah-compliant hospitals.

Keywords: Shariah-compliant, hospital, concept

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