Cross-Sector Collaboration North Kalimantan's Poverty Alleviation Program


Poverty is a complex problem that has always been a concern for governments. This study analyzes poverty alleviation programs in North Kalimantan Province through a cross-sector collaboration approach using a qualitative approach. This approach is used to explain the phenomenon studied according to the context in which it occured. Research informants include stakeholders who are members of the Poverty Reduction Coordination Team (TKPK) for North Kalimantan province. The data sources consisted of primary and secondary sources, collecting data through observation, in-depth interviews, and tracing poverty program documents and regulations. Data analysis was conducted through interactive analysis. The results showed that the implementation of the poverty alleviation program in North Kalimantan province was ineffective, so better management is needed. The facts obtained in the collaboration process found that stakeholders from the private sector and community were not fully involved in the poverty alleviation program. In addition, there are differences in opinions or conflicts of interest among stakeholders in the implementation of the poverty alleviation program in North Kalimantan Province. Another problem encountered was that the budget allocation for the poverty alleviation program was not in accordance with what was planned by the TKPK.

Keywords: collaboration process, cross sector, program implementation, poverty alleviation

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