The Public Private Partnership Model in the Development and Management of Coal-Fired Power Stations (PLTU) in Jenepoto Regency


Public-private partnership is a form of partnership between the government and the private sector. This study aims to analyze the public-private partnership model adapted to the development and management of coal-fired power stations in Jenoponto Regency, South Sulawesi. The research method uses a qualitative approach to explain research phenomena according to its context. The data sources included primary and secondary data. Data collection consisted of observations, in-depth interviews, and document reviews. The stages of data analysis included data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results show that the development and management of the Coal-Fired Power Station (PLTU) in Jeneponto Regency uses the lifecycle contract model. The design elements show that the PLTU project consists of two power-generating units. Each unit was designed to deliver a nominal net capacity of not less than 100 MW to the PLN system with a tension of 150 kV. The build element shows that all the PLTU infrastructure and equipments have been built in accordance with the applicable rules and standards. The financing elements of construction and management of the PLTU is the responsibility of the PT. Bosowa Energy assumes responsibility first, followed by PT. PLN Persero will purchase power, while maintenance is a shared responsibility.

Keywords: public-private partnership, development and management

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