Socio-cultural Influence on Lifestyle of Prediabetes Causes T2DM in Ethnic Society in South Sulawesi Province


Cases of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the world are increasing, Indonesia ranks fourth after India, China, and America. The most common DM is type 2 DM (T2DM), which is about 90%. The incidence of T2DM is caused by people’s lifestyles, which are influenced by socio-cultural factors. The highest risk of suffering from T2DM is prediabetes, which is a condition where a person’s blood glucose level is higher than normal but not high enough to be categorized as T2DM. This study aims to determine the socio-cultural influence on the lifestyle of prediabetes causing T2DM in the Bugis, Makassar, and Toraja tribes in South Sulawesi Province. The research design is qualitative with the rapid assessment procedure method. The population were prediabetics from biomedical samples in 7 regencies of South Sulawesi Province at the time of Riskesdas 2013. The samples were residents who are still prediabetes and T2DM in Jeneponto Regency (Makassar Tribe), Pare-Pare City (Bugis Tribe), and Tana Toraja Regency (Toraja Tribe). Information collection was carried out in 2017 through focus group discussions with two groups, non T2DM and T2DM. In-depth interviews with health program managers at the health office, puskesmas officers, health cadres, and community leaders. The study explains that there is a socio-cultural influence of prediabetes, ethnic groups in South Sulawesi Province in shaping the lifestyle that causes T2DM. Socio-cultural influences are the use of vehicles and the habit of doing activities in the Bugis, Makassar, and Toraja tribes. The perception of obesity in the Bugis and Makassar tribes and the habit of consuming alcohol in the Toraja tribe

Keywords: T2DM, socio-cultural, Bugis, Makassar, and Toraja

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