Applications of Prenatal Yoga and Maryam Exercise for Reducing Back Pain in Pregnant Women at Third Trimester


The incidence of back pain in pregnant women occurs in all countries including Indonesia due to fetal growth, hormonal factors, activity, and other factors. Prenatal yoga and Maryam exercise can overcome back pain complaints in pregnant women; however, they are rarely studied. The study aims to analyze the application of prenatal yoga and Maryam exercise so that the third trimester pregnant women do not feel back pain. This type of research was experimental observation with a pretest-posttest design. The study was conducted at Masita Clinic, Cilegon in April-May 2022. The sample is 15 people with total population sampling technique. The research instruments were back pain questionnaire sheets and pregnancy exercise checklist sheets. Using the paired sample t-test, the data were normally distributed with the value of the One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, 0.2. The results of data analysis showed that there was a reduction in back pain during pregnancy in pregnant women who did prenatal yoga and Maryam exercise with (p-value: 0,000). Yoga and exercise can train the pelvic floor muscles and Maryam exercise can make pregnant women more calm, relaxed, and incorporate religious elements so that back pain complaints can be reduced.

Keywords: prenatal yoga, Maryam exercise, back pain

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