Impact of Organizational Commitment on Nurse Performance with Organization Citizen Behavior as a Mediation Variable in XYZ Hospital


This study aims to determine the impact of organizational commitment on nurse performance with the variable organization citizen behavior as a mediating variable at XYZ Hospital. XYZ Hospital provides a wide selection of rooms that can be selected according to the needs and costs that the patient wants. However, in the midst of the ongoing progress, there is a gap between old employees and new employees, especially in the paramedic section, namely nurses. There is a decrease in balance in the work environment which makes gaps occur when doing team work, in this case the researcher relates it to the theory of organizational citizen behavior. The object of this research is XYZ Hospital Nurse. This research was conducted on 44 respondents using a quantitative descriptive approach. Therefore, the data analysis used is statistical analysis in the form of multiple linear regression test. The results showed that the value of tcount > ttable, then Ha1 is accepted, which states that Organizational Commitment (X1) partially has a significant effect on the nurse’s performance variable (Y). The value of tcount < ttable, then Ha2 is rejected, which states that Organization Citizen Behavior (X2) partially has no significant effect on the nurse’s performance variable (Y). fcount > ftable, then Ha4 is accepted, it can be concluded that Organizational Commitment (X1) and Organization Citizen Behavior (X2) simultaneously have a significant effect on the nurse’s performance variable (Y).

Keywords: commitment, organization citizen behavior (OCB), nurse

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