Collaborative Governance in Handling Limited Face-to-face Learning Cases of Corona Virus in Elementary Schools in Bekasi Regency Case Study: Education Office and Health Office of Bekasi Regency Government


This study aims to examine how the application of the concept of collaborative governance is carried out by the Bekasi Regency government by involving the Education Office and Health Office to handle the limited face-to-face learning of COVID-19 in the Bekasi Regency elementary school environment. This type of research uses a qualitative approach. This qualitative research method was chosen so that researchers can describe or understand an event that occurred to the researcher being studied. This study uses a descriptive type, research conducted to determine the points of independent variables, either one or more variables without making comparisons between one variable and another in the form of events or symptoms experienced directly by the researcher and based on the results of the researcher’s observations. The results of the study show 1) Face-to-face dialogue: there is no definite schedule regarding when meetings are held, and in handling face-to-face learning limited to COVID-19 for elementary schools in Bekasi Regency, there are obstacles so that communication cannot be carried out optimally. 2) Trust building: the actors involved have shown mutual acceptance toward the membership of the collaboration participants that have been determined previously, and the local government, those involved, already have tupoksi in accordance with their respective authorities and abilities. And openness or transparency in collaborative activities cannot be said to be good. 3) Commitment to the process: each service as a whole has contributed and has an awareness that solving this pandemic problem cannot be done by one group alone but must be done together. 4) Shared understanding: collaborating parties have been able to identify problems that are one of the inhibiting factors in collaborative activities. 5) Intermediated outcome: in the application of collaboration, the results have not been very satisfactory.

Keywords: Covid-19, limited face-to-face learning, collaborative governance, Bekasi Regency

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