Lebak Regency Government's Innovation in Accelerating Development from Underdeveloped Region Status


Since 2019, Lebak Regency in Banten Province has been declared as a district that has relinquished its status as an underdeveloped area. Since then, Lebak has been incorporated in Underdeveloped Regencies List as one that has escaped from the underdeveloped condition. This study uses a descriptive approach through interviews and secondary data collection. The results of this study showed that in 2021, there were two process innovations and one product innovation carried out in the context of accelerating the development of Lebak Regency as an eradicated area. These innovations include the Unique Lebak Tourism Movement Innovation: Millennial Virtual Stage and the Launching of the Calendar of Events, and Citorek Strawberry Village and Investment Ease Information Services Innovation for Business Actors/Investors through the Investment Information System (SIMPEDAL). These three innovations are expected to encourage the acceleration of development in Lebak Regency, especially in the economic and tourism sectors.

Keywords: regional innovation, Lebak Regency Innovation, development acceleration, empowered region

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