Implementation of e-Government for Better Public Service at Lombok Barat


The aim of this study is to give recommendations for communication and information agency and all regional organizations at Lombok Barat so that the implementation of e-Government is more effective and improves employee performance in public services. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with interview instruments, observations, and document review. Based on the interviews with key informants, observations, and review of Renstra, government support for the development of information and communication technology facilities and infrastructure has not been optimal due to limited budgets and a lack of coordination between regional organizations. Qualified apparatus and skills in information and communication technology are less common, and public administration services are still lacking and seem unprofessional, this has led to people still having negative opinions about government services. The government has to support the implementation of e-Government and the development of information and communication technology, especially the improvement of facilities and infrastructure, both office rooms and public service rooms, finance for the construction of towers and other infrastructure, socialization for public so that people can trust more with the government services, and applications and programs based on information and communication technology so that public services are more improved, smooth, and reliable.

Keywords: effectiveness, e-Government, employee performance, community service

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