Implementation of Sustainable Development Policies in the Environmental Sector Based on e-Governance in Riau Province


This study aims to analyze the application of e-governance in supporting the implementation of environmentally sustainable development policies in Riau Province and the factors that influence it. The research used descriptive qualitative methods using primary data collected through focus group discussions and secondary data collected through documentation techniques. The results of the study found that the Local Government of Riau Province has consistently and continuously implemented environmentally sustainable development through the Riau Hijau program. Egovernance has been well implemented in implementing Riau Hijau by collaboration between the government, the private sectors, and the civil society to succeed Riau Hijau supported using information and communication technology (ICT). The supporting factors for the application of e-governance in supporting the implementation of environmental sustainable development policies in Riau Province were: the local government’s high commitment and consistency; the existence of supporting policies both macro and micro that are clear, sustainable, and systematic; policy implementers really understand the details of Riau Hijau; Riau Hijau has clear and measurable target groups and benefits; Riau Hijau is operationalized in various concrete and systematic projects and activities; Riau Hijau is supported by adequate financial resources and infrastructures; and Riau Hijau is supported by various local agencies. The inhibiting factors were that not all the relevant stakeholders make optimal use of the existing ICT facilities; there are inadequate ICT facilities and infrastructures in some areas in Riau Province; and problems in environmental issues. Based on these findings, this study recommends optimizing the use of ICT for all Riau Hijau stakeholders, and there needs to be an increase and equity of ICT facilities and infrastructures.

Keywords: sustainable development, environment, Riau Hijau, e-governance

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