Morphological Analysis related to Collaborative Governance Innovation Smart City Development Availability of Platform Services for Job Seekers and Job Providers in the DKI Jakarta Province


The addition of the workforce in Jakarta, recorded from 2007 to 2011 continued to show significant numbers. During this period, the workforce grew by 4.7% per year. In 2007, the labor force reached 4,395,324 people, and in 2011 it increased to 5,143,830. For this matter, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government’s one of the program is increasing employment opportunities and improved manpower placement service system. Indicators to be achieved, include increasing the percentage of the number of job seekers placed and job seekers receiving job opportunity information. Therefore, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government created a Smart City Development Availability of Platform Services for job seekers and job providers in the DKI Jakarta Province. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government embraces stakeholders to collaborate in developing the Employment Service Provider system. This study aims to specifically describe the process and form of collaboration through a collaborative governance approach and provide recommendations for program improvement. This study uses a postpositivist approach with qualitative methods through interviews and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the collaboration process takes place effectively between the relevant stakeholders. The collaboration that is formed in this context is represented through the analysis of the morphology of the implementation of the activity.

Keywords: morphological analysis, collaborative governance, innovation

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