Understanding the Research of Bureaucracy in Indonesia: A Bibliometric Analysis


A bibliometric analysis was conducted to understand and analyze the growth of publications on bureaucracy in Indonesia. This is conducted by collecting several journal-based data sources using Google Scholar, which is then integrated using Publish or Perish. Using Mendeley, 606 journal articles were examined pertaining to the year of publication, the author’s name, the institution, and the title of the article. Additionally, a visualization of co-occurrence and co-authorship was constructed using VOSviewer to show the evolution and interconnections across published journals. Further, a density visualization indicates the relationship through color saturation. Lastly, mapping visualization demonstrates the relationship between topics by thread lines. This analysis shows that the research on Indonesian bureaucracy is becoming more prevalent throughout the year. Further, the topic of good governance is the most over-researched topic.

Keywords: Bureaucracy, Indonesian Bureaucracy, bibliometric analysis

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