Evaluation of the Buruan Sae Program: A Case Study in Jatisari, Buah Batu, Bandung


The emergence of the food crisis in Bandung City due to COVID-19 has prompted the local government to create an integrated urban farming program. This program is called Buruan Sae. This program aims to support food security for the people of Bandung. One of the targets is located in Jatisari, Buah Batu, Bandung. In that area, the program has been successfully implemented and has reached 22 times harvests. However, unfortunately, the residents in the area still have a low level of participation in the Buruan Sae program. According to this problem, the researchers would like to conduct a study to evaluate the integrated urban farming in Buruan Sae. This study uses qualitative methods for data collection through interviews. The results of this study show that the low level of participation in the Buruan Sae program in Jatisari occurred since the benefits of this program cannot be felt equally by all residents of Jatisari. Only residents of RW 02 can feel the positive impact of the harvest achieved through the Buran Sae Program. Meanwhile, based on effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, responsiveness, and accuracy, integrated urban farming has succeeded in meeting the indicators and is worthy of being used as a food security policy program.

Keywords: Buruan Sae, evaluation, food security, policy, urban farming

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